The bigger picture and insights into progress
Track assessment results over time with out-of -the-box infographics. Visualise progress across groups of students and individuals. Promote a growth mindset.
Neelix offers a real-time and reflective approach that helps build trust and makes it easier to discover development opportunities.
Configurable introspection programs
Neelix platform provides a framework for configuring any style of assessment.
It provides the ability to measure traits and groups of traits using flexible question answer options.
A single-click template is provided as a quick start to help you create your own assessments.
Create groups of traits and underlying traits for any context
Create groups of questions. Link each question to a trait for seamless and methodological results.
Configure range or response weights per question. Customizable options for non-linear evaluation of responses
Assessments are submitted within the context of each team
Visualize results immediately available via infographics with easy to use big-picture and drill-down capability
Assessments can be submitted multiple times and changes tracked
Link assessment, as a whole or in part, to progressive time checkpoints (for instance capture assessment of a particular trait at the end of week 1, and another trait at week 2)
Configure sum of votes threshold for each group trait to generate an automatic table of recommendations for "needs development", "needs attention", "strongest area"
Create higher level learning objectives; Link full assessments or specific traits to a particular objective. Infographic for visualising the journey towards achievements of learning objectives.
Easy eagle eyes into progress of development plans, student groups and objectives. Compare objectives between any time period.
Create higher level learning objectives; Link full assessments or specific traits to a particular objective
Tutors can provide feedback on assessment submitted by students. Easy to use infographic provide comparison between user, class average and tutor assessment.
Student development - Big Picture and Tracking Across Groups of Students
Student Assessment
Tutor assessment and comparison of scores
Development Plan
Student development - Fun and engaging assessments
Student development - Insights details
Automated Recommendations
Easy to use achievements report
Assessments Dashboard
Learning Path
Neelix.IO provides framework for configuring reflective assessments
Configuring an assessment:
Student Experience:
Assessment - Shortcut for Configuration
Configure Development Plan
You can get url link to each assessment by week in order to include it your other resources
Get URL to each planned assessment
By default all users see a homepage with common shortcuts. Users will see "Assessment" short cut that takes them to the list of pre-assigned assessments.
You may also modify settings of the space so that homepage is the "My Plan" page by default.
Individual View of Pre-Assigned Assessments